The BoB project is an independent initiative aiming at providing the market with an automated and efficient bioreactor for the perfused culture of adherent cells. Major applications for the Bolt-on Bioreactor are Cell Therapy and Biopharmaceuticals production.
We have conducted an extensive research to understand the four challenges that need be addressed for the Bolt-on Bioreactor to become the standard solution to adherent cell culture. The BoB team have put together those findings, the market feedback obtained in response to our Open Design initiative, and results from laboratory experiments. With all that info we have designed the Bolt-on Bioreactor.
For a detailed explanation of the bioreactor, you can visit The Bolt-on Bioreactor page.
In order to facilitate the evaluation of the BoB technology for different cell culture related processes, we have developed a simplified version of the bioreactor. This product, the Roller BoB, is and adaptation of the BoB concept to a roller bottle format. The current version of the Roller BoB provides an area of 13,500 square centimeters of a smooth and continuous cell culture surface within a 1.5 liters culture vessel. The device, available as an evaluation kit is provided ready-to-use.
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